Teaspoons to milliliters (tsp to mL)

Volume (teaspoons - tsp):
Volume (milliliters - mL):

The calculator allows you to convert teaspoons to milliliters (tsp to mL).

Perform the reverse calculation: mL to teaspoon

1 teaspoon = 4.92892 milliliters (approximately equal to)
1 milliliter = 0.202884 teaspoon (approximately equal to)

To convert teaspoons to milliliters, multiply by 4.92892 (approximately).


"Tsp" is an abbreviation for teaspoon, which is a volume measurement commonly used in cooking and baking recipes. On the other hand, "ml" is an abbreviation for milliliter, which is a metric unit of volume measurement. To convert tsp to ml, you need to use the conversion formula:
1 tsp = 4.92892 mL

To convert tsp to mL, multiply the number of teaspoons 4.92892.

You can find below some examples of tsp to ml conversions:

Convert 2 teaspoons to milliliters:
If a recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of honey, how many milliliters do you need?
2 tsp = 2 x 4.92892 = 9.86 mL

Convert 3 tsp to mL:
If a recipe calls for 3 tsp of olive oil, how many ml do you need?
3 tsp = 3 x 4.92892 = 14.79 ml
So, 3 tsp of olive oil is equivalent to 14.79 ml.

Convert 1 1/2 tsp to mL:
1 + 1/2 = 1.5 tsp
1.5 x 4.92892 = 7.39 mL

Convert 1/4 tsp to mL:
1/4 = 0.25 tsp
0.25 x 4.92892 = 1.23 mL
So, 1/4 tsp is equivalent to 1.23 mL.

Conversion table teaspoon to milliliter (tsp to mL)

Teaspoons (tsp) Milliliters (ml)
0.25 tsp 1.23223 mL
0.5 tsp 2.46446 mL
0.75 tsp 3.69669 mL
1 tsp 4.92892 mL
2 tsp 9.85784 mL
3 tsp 14.78676 mL
4 tsp 19.71568 mL
5 tsp 24.6446 mL
6 tsp 29.5735 mL
7 tsp 34.5024 mL
8 tsp 39.4314 mL
9 tsp 44.3603 mL
10 tsp 49.2892 mL


The teaspoon (often abbreviated as tsp) is a unit of volume commonly used in cooking and pharmaceutical measurements. It is part of the traditional system of units, also known as the imperial system, which is still used in the United States and a few other countries. In other parts of the world, the metric system is more commonly used, which uses the milliliter (mL) as its standard unit of volume. One teaspoon is equal to approximately 4.93 milliliters. In cooking, teaspoons are typically used to measure small quantities of ingredients, such as spices or flavorings. It's worth noting that the teaspoon is not an officially recognized unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI), which is the modern metric system. However, it is still widely used in everyday life, especially in the United States, and is a convenient way to measure small amounts of liquid or powder for recipes. The symbol for teaspoon is "tsp".


A milliliter (mL) is a unit of volume that is commonly used in the metric system of measurement. It is equivalent to one-thousandth of a liter, which is the base unit of volume in the metric system. One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter. The symbol for milliliter is "mL". The prefix "milli" is a metric prefix that means one-thousandth, or 1/1000. In the International System of Units (SI), this prefix is used to indicate that a unit of measurement is equal to one-thousandth of the base unit. For example, a millimeter (mm) is equal to one-thousandth of a meter (m), a milligram (mg) is equal to one-thousandth of a gram (g), and a milliliter (ml) is equal to one-thousandth of a liter (L).