Tablespoons to cups (tbsp to cup)

Volume (tablespoons - tbsp):
Volume (cups):

The calculator allows you to convert tablespoons to cups (tbsp to cup).

Perform the reverse calculation: cup to tablespoon

1 tablespoon = 1 / 16 cup = 0.0625 cup
1 cup = 16 tablespoons

To convert tablespoons to cups, divide by 16.


To convert tablespoons (tbsp) to cups, you can use the following formula:
1 tbsp = 1/16 cup
Indeed, 1 cup = 16 tbsp

To convert tbsp to cup, divide the number of tablespoons by 16. For example, if you have 8 tablespoons, divide 8 by 16 to get 0.5 cup.

You can find below 5 examples of converting tablespoons to cups:
12 tablespoons = 12 / 16 = 0.75 cup
3 tablespoons = 3 / 16 = 0.1875 cup
6 tablespoons = 6 / 16 = 0.375 cup
2 tablespoons = 2 / 16 = 0.125 cup
9 tablespoons = 9 / 16 = 0.5625 cup

Conversion table tablespoon to cup (tbsp to cup)

Tablespoons (tbsp) to cups
1 tbsp = 0.0625 cup
2 tbsp = 0.125 cup
3 tbsp = 0.1875 cup
4 tbsp = 0.25 cup
5 tbsp = 0.3125 cup
6 tbsp = 0.375 cup
7 tbsp = 0.4375 cup
8 tbsp = 0.5 cup
9 tbsp = 0.5625 cup
10 tbsp = 0.625 cup
11 tbsp = 0.6875 cup
12 tbsp = 0.75 cup
13 tbsp = 0.8125 cup
14 tbsp = 0.875 cup
15 tbsp = 0.9375 cup
16 tbsp = 1 cup
17 tbsp = 1.0625 cups
18 tbsp = 1.125 cups
19 tbsp = 1.1875 cups
20 tbsp = 1.25 cups
21 tbsp = 1.3125 cups
22 tbsp = 1.375 cups
23 tbsp = 1.4375 cups
24 tbsp = 1.5 cups
25 tbsp = 1.5625 cups
26 tbsp = 1.625 cups
27 tbsp = 1.6875 cups
28 tbsp = 1.75 cups
29 tbsp = 1.8125 cups
30 tbsp = 1.875 cups
31 tbsp = 1.9375 cups
32 tbsp = 2 cups
33 tbsp = 2.0625 cups
34 tbsp = 2.125 cups
35 tbsp = 2.1875 cups
36 tbsp = 2.25 cups
37 tbsp = 2.3125 cups
38 tbsp = 2.375 cups
39 tbsp = 2.4375 cups
40 tbsp = 2.5 cups
41 tbsp = 2.5625 cups
42 tbsp = 2.625 cups
43 tbsp = 2.6875 cups
44 tbsp = 2.75 cups
45 tbsp = 2.8125 cups
46 tbsp = 2.875 cups
47 tbsp = 2.9375 cups
48 tbsp = 3 cups


A tablespoon is a unit of volume commonly used in cooking. A tablespoon is often abbreviated as "tbsp". One tablespoon is equivalent to 1/16th of a cup or 0.5 fluid ounces in the United States.


The cup is a unit of volume commonly used in cooking and recipe measurement in the United States and some other countries. One cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces, 16 tablespoons or 48 teaspoons. The cup is not an SI (International System of Units) unit, which is the modern form of the metric system. However, it is still widely used in the United States and other countries, especially in home cooking and recipe sharing. In some cases, recipes may call for fractions of a cup, such as 1/2 cup or 1/4 cup. To measure these amounts accurately, it is important to use a measuring cup specifically marked with those fractions.

The table below shows the equivalent measurements of 1 to 10 cups in fluid ounces, tablespoons, and teaspoons. Each row represents one cup, and each column shows the measurement equivalent in a different unit. The table can be useful for converting recipes that call for measurements in cups to other units or vice versa. For example, if a recipe calls for 1/2 cup of milk, you can use this table to determine that you need 4 fluid ounces, 8 tablespoons or 24 teaspoons of milk instead.

Cups Fluid Ounces Tablespoons Teaspoons
1 8 16 48
2 16 32 96
3 24 48 144
4 32 64 192
5 40 80 240
6 48 96 288
7 56 112 336
8 64 128 384
9 72 144 432
10 80 160 480