Milliliters to teaspoons (mL to tsp)

Volume (milliliters - mL):
Volume (teaspoons - tsp):

The calculator allows you to convert milliliters to teaspoons (mL to tsp).

Perform the reverse calculation: teaspoon to mL

1 milliliter = 0.202884 teaspoon (approximately equal to)
1 teaspoon = 4.92892 milliliters (approximately equal to)

To convert milliliters to teaspoons, multiply by 0.202884 (approximately).


To convert milliliters (mL) to teaspoons (tsp), you can use the following conversion formula:
1 mL = 0.202884 tsp

To convert mL to tsp, multiply the number of milliliters by 0.202884.

You can find below five examples of how to convert mL to tsp:

Convert 15 mL to tsp:
15 mL = 15 x 0.202884 = 3.04 tsp

Convert 50 mL to tsp:
50 mL = 50 x 0.202884 = 10.14 tsp

Convert 75 mL to tsp:
75 mL = 75 x 0.202884 = 15.22 tsp

Convert 125 mL to tsp:
125 mL = 125 x 0.202884 = 25.36 tsp

Convert 250 mL to tsp:
250 mL = 250 x 0.202884 = 50.72 tsp

Conversion table milliliter to teaspoon (mL to tsp)

Milliliters (mL) = Teaspoons (tsp)
1 mL = 0.202884 tsp
2 mL = 0.405768 tsp
3 mL = 0.608652 tsp
4 mL = 0.811536 tsp
5 mL = 1.01442 tsp
6 mL = 1.21731 tsp
7 mL = 1.42019 tsp
8 mL = 1.62307 tsp
9 mL = 1.82595 tsp
10 mL = 2.02884 tsp
11 mL = 2.23172 tsp
12 mL = 2.4346 tsp
13 mL = 2.63749 tsp
14 mL = 2.84037 tsp
15 mL = 3.04325 tsp
16 mL = 3.24613 tsp
17 mL = 3.44901 tsp
18 mL = 3.6519 tsp
19 mL = 3.85478 tsp
20 mL = 4.05766 tsp
21 mL = 4.26055 tsp
22 mL = 4.46343 tsp
23 mL = 4.66631 tsp
24 mL = 4.86919 tsp
25 mL = 5.07212 tsp


A milliliter (mL) is a unit of volume that is commonly used in the metric system of measurement. It is equivalent to one-thousandth of a liter, which is the base unit of volume in the metric system. One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter. The symbol for milliliter is "mL". The prefix "milli" is a metric prefix that means one-thousandth, or 1/1000. In the International System of Units (SI), this prefix is used to indicate that a unit of measurement is equal to one-thousandth of the base unit. For example, a millimeter (mm) is equal to one-thousandth of a meter (m), a milligram (mg) is equal to one-thousandth of a gram (g), and a milliliter (ml) is equal to one-thousandth of a liter (L).


The teaspoon (often abbreviated as tsp) is a unit of volume commonly used in cooking and pharmaceutical measurements. It is part of the traditional system of units, also known as the imperial system, which is still used in the United States and a few other countries. In other parts of the world, the metric system is more commonly used, which uses the milliliter (mL) as its standard unit of volume. One teaspoon is equal to approximately 4.93 milliliters. In cooking, teaspoons are typically used to measure small quantities of ingredients, such as spices or flavorings. It's worth noting that the teaspoon is not an officially recognized unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI), which is the modern metric system. However, it is still widely used in everyday life, especially in the United States, and is a convenient way to measure small amounts of liquid or powder for recipes. The symbol for teaspoon is "tsp".