Milliliters to tablespoons (mL to tbsp)

Volume (milliliters - mL):
Volume (tablespoons - tbsp):

The calculator allows you to convert milliliters to tablespoons (mL to tbsp).

Perform the reverse calculation: tablespoon to mL

1 milliliter = 0.067628 tablespoon (approximately equal to)
1 tablespoon = 14.7868 milliliters (approximately equal to)

To convert milliliters to tablespoons, multiply by 0.067628 (approximately).


To convert milliliters (mL) to tablespoons (tbsp), you can use the following conversion formula:
1 ml = 0.067628 tbsp
This means that one milliliter is equivalent to approximately 0.067628 tablespoon. To convert a given volume from milliliters to tablespoons, simply multiply the volume in milliliters by 0.067628.

You can find below five examples of how to convert milliliters to tablespoons:

Convert 50 mL to tbsp:
50 mL = 50 x 0.067628 = 3.38 tbsp

Convert 150 mL to tbsp:
150 mL = 150 x 0.067628 = 10.14 tbsp

Convert 250 mL to tbsp:
250 mL x 0.067628 = 16.91 tbsp

Convert 500 ml to tbsp:
500 mL = 500 x 0.067628 = 33.81 tbsp

Convert 750 mL to tbsp:
750 mL x 0.067628 = 50.72 tbsp

Conversion table milliliter to tablespoon (mL to tbsp)

Milliliters (mL) Tablespoons (tbsp)
1 mL 0.067628 tbsp
10 mL 0.67628 tbsp
25 mL 1.69195 tbsp
50 mL 3.38141 tbsp
100 mL 6.76281 tbsp
250 mL 16.90703 tbsp
500 mL 33.81406 tbsp


A milliliter (mL) is a unit of volume that is commonly used in the metric system of measurement. It is equivalent to one-thousandth of a liter, which is the base unit of volume in the metric system. One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter. The symbol for milliliter is "mL". The prefix "milli" is a metric prefix that means one-thousandth, or 1/1000. In the International System of Units (SI), this prefix is used to indicate that a unit of measurement is equal to one-thousandth of the base unit. For example, a millimeter (mm) is equal to one-thousandth of a meter (m), a milligram (mg) is equal to one-thousandth of a gram (g), and a milliliter (ml) is equal to one-thousandth of a liter (L).


A tablespoon is a unit of volume commonly used in cooking. A tablespoon is often abbreviated as "tbsp". One tablespoon is equivalent to 1/16th of a cup or 0.5 fluid ounces in the United States.