Miles to furlongs (mi to fur)

Distance (Miles - mi):
Distance (Furlongs - fur):

The calculator allows you to convert miles to furlongs (mi to fur).

Perform the reverse calculation: furlongs to miles

1 mile = 8 furlongs
1 furlong = 1 / 8 mile = 0.125 mile

To convert miles to furlongs, multiply by 8.


To convert miles to furlongs, you can use the conversion factor that one mile is equal to 8 furlongs. So, to convert miles to furlongs, you can multiply the number of miles by 8.
You can find below the conversion formula:
1 mile = 8 furlongs

You can find below five examples of how to convert miles to furlongs:

Convert 2 miles to furlongs:
2 miles = 2 x 8 = 16 furlongs

Convert 5.5 miles to furlongs:
5.5 miles = 5.5 * 8 = 44 furlongs

Convert 10 miles to furlongs:
10 miles = 10 x 8 = 80 furlongs

Convert 0.75 miles to furlongs:
0.75 mile = 0.75 x 8 = 6 furlongs

Convert 3.25 miles to furlongs:
3.25 miles = 3.25 x 8 = 26 furlongs

Conversion table miles to furlongs (mi to fur)

Miles to furlongs conversion table
1 mile = 8 furlongs
2 miles = 16 furlongs
3 miles = 24 furlongs
4 miles = 32 furlongs
5 miles = 40 furlongs
6 miles = 48 furlongs
7 miles = 56 furlongs
8 miles = 64 furlongs
9 miles = 72 furlongs
10 miles = 80 furlongs
11 miles = 88 furlongs
12 miles = 96 furlongs
13 miles = 104 furlongs
14 miles = 112 furlongs
15 miles = 120 furlongs
16 miles = 128 furlongs
17 miles = 136 furlongs
18 miles = 144 furlongs
19 miles = 152 furlongs
20 miles = 160 furlongs
21 miles = 168 furlongs
22 miles = 176 furlongs
23 miles = 184 furlongs
24 miles = 192 furlongs
25 miles = 200 furlongs
26 miles = 208 furlongs
27 miles = 216 furlongs
28 miles = 224 furlongs
29 miles = 232 furlongs
30 miles = 240 furlongs


A mile is a unit of length used in the United States and some other countries. It is defined as 5 280 feet, or approximately 1.609 kilometers. The name "mile" comes from the Latin word "mille", which means "a thousand", as it originally referred to the length of one thousand paces. Miles are commonly used to measure distances in many applications, such as driving, running and aviation. In the United States, road distances are often measured in miles, and speed limits are given in miles per hour. The symbol for mile is "mi".


A furlong is a unit of length used primarily in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is equal to 220 yards or 660 feet, or approximately 201.168 meters. The name "furlong" is believed to come from the Old English words "furh" (furrow) and "lang" (long), as it was originally defined as the length of one furrow in a plowed field. Furlongs were commonly used as a unit of distance in horse racing and agriculture. In horse racing, the length of a race was often measured in furlongs, with one furlong representing one-eighth of a mile. In agriculture, furlongs were used to measure the length and width of fields. A furlong is equal to 1/8th of a mile. The symbol for furlong is "fur".