Meters per second to miles per hour

Speed (meters per second):
Speed (miles per hour):

The calculator allows you to convert meters per second to miles per hour.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert miles per hour to meters per second

1 m/s = 2.23694 mph (approximately equal to)
1 mph = 0.44704 m/s (approximately equal to)

To convert meters per second to miles per hour, multiply by 2.23694.


We are going to convert a speed s of 12 m/s to mph.
Speed s = 12 m/s
1 m/s = 2.23694 mph (approximately)
s = 12 m/s = 12 x 2.23694 = 26.84 mph

Other examples

To convert meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (mph), you can use the following conversion formula:
1 m/s = 2.23694 mph
So, to convert a speed from m/s to mph, you simply need to multiply the speed value in m/s by 2.23694.

Here are some examples:

Convert 10 m/s to mph:
10 m/s = 10 x 2.23694 = 22.37 mph

Convert 25 m/s to mph:
25 m/s = 25 x 2.23694 = 55.92 mph

Convert 6.5 m/s to mph:
6.5 m/s = 6.5 x 2.23694 = 14.53 mph

Convert 15.3 m/s to mph:
15.3 m/s = 15.3 x 2.23694 = 34.23 mph

Convert 3.2 m/s to mph: 3.2 m/s = 3.2 x 2.23694 = 7.16 mph

Convert 4 m/s to mph
If a person is running at a speed of 4 m/s, what is the speed in mph?
4 m/s x 2.23694 = 8.95 mph

Convert 30 m/s to mph
A car is traveling at a speed of 30 m/s. What is the speed in mph?
30 m/s x 2.23694 = 67.11 mph

Conversion table meters per second to miles per hour (m/s to mph)

Meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (mph)
1 m/s = 2.24 mph
2 m/s< = 4.47 mph
3 m/s = 6.71 mph
4 m/s = 8.95 mph
5 m/s = 11.18 mph
6 m/s = 13.42 mph
7 m/s = 15.65 mph
8 m/s = 17.89 mph
9 m/s = 20.12 mph
10 m/s = 22.37 mph
11 m/s = 24.61 mph
12 m/s = 26.84 mph
13 m/s = 29.08 mph
14 m/s = 31.31 mph
15 m/s = 33.55 mph
16 m/s = 35.79 mph
17 m/s = 38.03 mph
18 m/s = 40.26 mph
19 m/s = 42.50 mph
20 m/s = 44.72 mph
30 m/s = 67.11 mph
40 m/s = 89.49 mph
50 m/s = 111.85 mph
60 m/s = 134.22 mph
70 m/s = 156.59 mph
80 m/s = 178.96 mph
90 m/s = 201.32 mph
100 m/s = 223.69 mph

Meters per second (m/s)

Meters per second (m/s) is a unit of speed in the International System of Units (SI). It measures the distance covered in meters over one second.

Miles per hour (mph)

Miles per hour is a unit of speed commonly used in the United States and other countries that follow the imperial system of measurement. It measures the number of miles traveled per hour, or the distance covered in miles over a period of one hour. Mph is often used to measure the speed of vehicles such as cars, trucks, and airplanes. It's also commonly used in weather reports to describe wind speed. In some countries, such as those that use the metric system, kilometers per hour (km/h) is the standard unit of speed. However, mph is still used in some contexts, such as in the UK where it's the legal unit for speed limits on roads. Converting between mph and other units of speed can be useful in certain situations. For example, if you need to convert mph to kilometers per hour, you would multiply the mph value by 1.60934. Conversely, to convert kilometers per hour to mph, you would divide the value by 1.60934.

The symbol for miles per hour is "mph". It's a combination of the abbreviation for miles ("m") and "per hour" ("ph"). When writing or speaking about speed measurements, it's common to use this symbol after the numerical value to indicate the unit of measurement. For example, you might say "the car was traveling at 60 mph" or "the wind speed was 25 mph".