m2 to yd2

Area (m2 - square meter):
Area (yd2 - square yard):

The calculator allows you to convert m2 to yd2 (square meters to square yards).

Perform the reverse calculation: square yard to square meter

1 square meter = 1.19599 square yards (approximately equal to)
1 square yard = 0.836127 square meter (approximately equal to)

To convert m2 to yd2, multiply by 1.19599 (approximately).


To convert square meters to square yards, you can use the conversion factor of 1.19599. You simply multiply the number of square meters by 1.19599 to get the equivalent number of square yards.

You will find below 6 examples of how to convert square meters to square yards:

Convert 25 square meters to square yards:
25 m² = 25 x 1.19599 = 29.90 yd²

Convert 96 m² to yd²:
A room measures 12 meters by 8 meters. What is the area of the room in square yards?
Area = length x width = 12 m x 8 m = 96 m²
96 m² = 96 x 1.19599 = 114.82 yd²
So, the area of the room in square yards is approximately 114.82 yd².

Convert 50 square meters to square yards:
50 m² = 50 x 1.19599 = 59.80 yd²

Convert 7700 m² to yd²:
A soccer field measures 110 meters by 70 meters. What is the area of the field in square yards?
Area = length x width = 110 m x 70 m = 7700 m²
7700 m² = 7700 x 1.19599 = 9209.12 yd²
So, the area of the soccer field in square yards is approximately 9209.12 yd².

Convert 75 square meters to square yards:
75 m² = 75 x 1.19599 = 89.70 yd²

3 m² to yd²:
A piece of fabric measures 2 meters by 1.5 meters. What is the area of the fabric in square yards?
Area = length x width = 2 m x 1.5 m = 3 m²
3 m² = 3 x 1.19599 = 3.59 yd²
So, the area of the fabric in square yards is approximately 3.59 yd².

Conversion table m2 to yd2 (square meters to square yards)

Square Meters Square Yards
1 m² 1.196 yd²
2 m² 2.392 yd²
3 m² 3.588 yd²
4 m² 4.784 yd²
5 m² 5.980 yd²
6 m² 7.176 yd²
7 m² 8.372 yd²
8 m² 9.568 yd²
9 m² 10.764 yd²
10 m² 11.960 yd²
11 m² 13.156 yd²
12 m² 14.352 yd²
13 m² 15.548 yd²
14 m² 16.744 yd²
15 m² 17.940 yd²
16 m² 19.136 yd²
17 m² 20.332 yd²
18 m² 21.528 yd²
19 m² 22.724 yd²
20 m² 23.920 yd²
21 m² 25.116 yd²
22 m² 26.312 yd²
23 m² 27.508 yd²
24 m² 28.704 yd²
25 m² 29.900 yd²
26 m² 31.096 yd²
27 m² 32.292 yd²
28 m² 33.488 yd²
29 m² 34.684 yd²
30 m² 35.880 yd²

Square meters

A square meter is a unit of measurement for area that is commonly used in many parts of the world, particularly in countries that use the metric system. One square meter is equivalent to the area of a square with sides that are one meter in length. The symbol for square meter is "m²". The "²" indicates that the unit is being used to measure area, which is a two-dimensional quantity. Similarly, the symbol for cubic meter, which is used to measure volume (a three-dimensional quantity), is "m³".

Square yards

Square yards are a unit of measurement for area. One square yard is equal to the area of a square with sides that are one yard in length. A yard is a unit of measurement for length that is equal to three feet or 36 inches. So a square yard is the equivalent of 9 square feet (3 feet x 3 feet). The symbol for square yard is "yd²". The "²" indicates that the unit is being used to measure area, which is a two-dimensional quantity. Similarly, the symbol for cubic yard, which is used to measure volume (a three-dimensional quantity), is "yd³".

A yard is a unit of length or distance commonly used in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom (the yard is still commonly used in the United States and other countries that have historical ties to Britain). It is defined as exactly 0.9144 meter, or approximately 3 feet.