Convert m2 to hectare

Area (m2):
Area (hectare):

The calculator allows you to convert square meters to hectares (m2 to hectares).

Perform the reverse calculation: convert hectare to m2

1 m2 = 1 / 10 000 hectare = 0.0001 ha
1 hectare = 10 000 m2

To convert square meters to hectares, divide by 10 000.


To convert square meters (m²) to hectares (ha), you need to divide the area in square meters by 10 000.
Formula: Hectares = Square meters / 10,000

You will find below examples of converting square meters to hectares:

Convert 5 000 square meters to hectares:
5 000 m2 = 5 000 / 10 000 = 0.5 ha

Convert 25 000 square meters to hectares:
25 000 m2 = 25 000 / 10 000 = 2.5 ha

Convert 700 m2 to ha
Suppose you have a rectangular garden that measures 35 meters in length and 20 meters in width. To calculate the area of the garden in square meters, you simply multiply the length by the width:
Area = Length x Width
Area = 35 m x 20 m = 700 m2

Now, we are going to convert the area from square meters to hectares:
700 m2 = 700 / 10 000 = 0.07 ha

Conversion table square meters to hectares (m2 to ha)

Square Meters (m²) Hectares (ha)
100 0.01
250 0.025
500 0.05
750 0.075
1000 0.1
2500 0.25
5000 0.5
7500 0.75
10000 1

Square meters

A square meter is a unit of area measurement in the metric system. It is defined as the area of a square with sides that are one meter in length. The symbol for square meters is m², and it is commonly used in measuring the size of a wide range of objects or spaces. "Sqm" is an abbreviation for square meters, a unit of area measurement in the International System of Units (SI). It is the area of a square whose sides measure one meter.


A hectare is a unit of measurement for area that is commonly used in agriculture and land management. It is equivalent to 10 000 square meters or 2.471 acres. The word "hectare" comes from the French word "hectomètre carré", which means "100 meters squared". It was first introduced as a metric unit of area in 1795 during the French Revolution and has been used as an international standard since the 19th century. Hectares are often used to measure the area of large plots of land such as farms, parks, and forests. The symbol for hectare is "ha".

Are, hectare and square meter

Are Hectare Square Meter
1 a 0.01 ha 100 m²
2 a 0.02 ha 200 m²
5 a 0.05 ha 500 m²
10 a 0.1 ha 1 000 m²
20 a 0.2 ha 2 000 m²
50 a 0.5 ha 5 000 m²
100 a 1 ha 10 000 m²
200 a 2 ha 20 000 m²
500 a 5 ha 50 000 m²
1 000 a 10 ha 100 000 m²

The table is a conversion table for the units of area are, hectare, and square meter. It shows the equivalent values for each unit of measurement, and it allows you to easily convert between them. For example, the first row of the table shows that 1 are is equivalent to 0.01 hectare or 100 square meters. Are, hectare, and square meter are all units of measurement for area.

Are, hectare, square meter and square kilometer

Are (a) Hectare (ha) Square Meter (m²) Square Kilometer (km²)
1 0.01 100 0.0001
2 0.02 200 0.0002
3 0.03 300 0.0003
4 0.04 400 0.0004
5 0.05 500 0.0005
6 0.06 600 0.0006
7 0.07 700 0.0007
8 0.08 800 0.0008
9 0.09 900 0.0009
10 0.1 1 000 0.001
20 0.2 2 000 0.002
30 0.3 3 000 0.003
40 0.4 4 000 0.004
50 0.5 5 000 0.005
60 0.6 6 000 0.006
70 0.7 7 000 0.007
80 0.8 8 000 0.008
90 0.9 9 000 0.009
100 1 10 000 0.01
500 5 50 000 0.05
1 000 10 100 000 0.1
5 000 50 500 000 0.5
10 000 100 1 000 000 1
50 000 500 5 000 000 5
100 000 1 000 10 000 000 10
500 000 5 000 50 000 000 50
1 000 000 10 000 100 000 000 100