Liters to cubic feet (L to ft3)

Volume (liters - L):
Volume (cubic feet - ft3):

The calculator allows you to convert liters to cubic feet (L to ft3).

Perform the reverse calculation: cubic feet to liters

1 L = 0.0353147 ft3 (approximately equal to)
1 ft3 = 28.3168 L (approximately equal to)

To convert liters to cubic feet, multiply by 0.0353147 (approximately).


To convert liters (L) to cubic feet (ft3), you can use the following conversion formula:
1 L = 0.0353147 ft3
or 1 liter = 0.0353147 cubic foot

To convert from liters to cubic feet, you can multiply the number of liters by the conversion 0.0353147.

Yu can find below five examples:

Convert 10 liters to cubic feet:
10 L = 10 x 0.0353147 = 0.35 ft3

Convert 25 liters to cubic feet:
25 L x 0.0353147 = 0.88 ft3

Convert 50 liters to cubic feet:
50 L = 50 x 0.0353147 = 1.77 ft3

Convert 100 liters to cubic feet:
100 L = 100 x 0.0353147 = 3.53 ft3

Convert 500 liters to cubic feet:
500 L = 500 x 0.0353147 = 17.66 ft3

Conversion table liters to cubic feet (L to ft3)

Liters (L) Cubic Feet (ft3)
1 0.0353147
2 0.0706294
3 0.1059441
4 0.1412588
5 0.1765735
6 0.2118882
7 0.2472029
8 0.2825176
9 0.3178323
10 0.353147
15 0.5297205
20 0.706294
25 0.8828675
30 1.059441
35 1.2360145
40 1.412588
45 1.5891615
50 1.765735
75 2.6486025
100 3.53147
125 4.4143375
150 5.297205
175 6.1800725
200 7.06294
250 8.828675


The liter (L) is a unit of volume commonly used in the metric system of measurement. One liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3) or milliliters (ml). The liter is widely used around the world for measuring the volume of liquids. The symbol for liter is "L".

Cubic feet

Cubic feet (ft³) is a unit of measurement used to express the volume of a three-dimensional object or space. One cubic foot is equal to the volume of a cube with sides that measure one foot in length. This unit of measurement is commonly used in the United States and other countries that primarily use the imperial system of measurement. Cubic feet are commonly used to measure the volume of objects such as rooms, buildings, containers, and boxes. For example, a room that measures 10 feet in length, 10 feet in width, and 10 feet in height would have a volume of 1 000 cubic feet (10 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft = 1 000 ft³). Similarly, a container that measures 6 feet in length, 4 feet in width, and 3 feet in height would have a volume of 72 cubic feet (6 ft x 4 ft x 3 ft = 72 ft³). The symbol for cubic feet is "ft³". It consists of the letters "ft" for feet, followed by a superscript "3" to indicate that the unit is cubic.