km2 to hectare

Area (km2):
Area (hectare):

The calculator allows you to convert square kilometers to hectares (km2 to hectares).

Perform the reverse calculation: hectare to km2

1 km2 = 100 hectares
1 hectare = 1 / 100 km2 = 0.01 km2

To convert square kilometers to hectares, multiply by 100.


To convert square kilometers (km²) to hectares (ha), you can use the conversion formula:
1 square kilometer = 100 hectares
or 1 km2 = 100 ha
Indeed, to convert square kilometers to hectares, multiply the number of square kilometers by 100.

You can find below 5 examples:

Example 1: convert 0.5 square kilometer to hectares:

0.5 km² = 0.5 x 100 = 50 hectares

Example 2: convert 1.25 square kilometers to hectares:

1.25 km² = 1.25 x 100 = 125 hectares

Example 3: convert 2.75 square kilometers to hectares:

2.75 km² = 2.75 x 100 = 275 hectares

Example 4: convert 5.5 square kilometers to hectares:

5.5 km² = 5.5 x 100 = 550 hectares

Example 5: Convert 10.75 square kilometers to hectares:

10.75 km² = 10.75 x 100 = 1 075 hectares

Conversion table square kilometers to hectares (km2 to ha)

Square kilometers (km2) to hectares (ha)
0.01 km2 = 1 ha
0.02 km2 = 2 ha
0.03 km2 = 3 ha
0.04 km2 = 4 ha
0.05 km2 = 5 ha
0.06 km2 = 6 ha
0.07 km2 = 7 ha
0.08 km2 = 8 ha
0.09 km2 = 9 ha
0.1 km2 = 10 ha
0.2 km2 = 20 ha
0.3 km2 = 30 ha
0.4 km2 = 40 ha
0.5 km2 = 50 ha
0.6 km2 = 60 ha
0.7 km2 = 70 ha
0.8 km2 = 80 ha
0.9 km2 = 90 ha
1 km2 = 100 ha
2 km2 = 200 ha
3 km2 = 300 ha
4 km2 = 400 ha
5 km2 = 500 ha
6 km2 = 600 ha
7 km2 = 700 ha
8 km2 = 800 ha
9 km2 = 900 ha
10 km2 = 1000 ha

Square kilometers

A square kilometer (km²) is a unit of area commonly used to measure large land areas. It is equal to the area of a square with sides measuring 1 kilometer each. The symbol for square kilometers is km². The "k" represents kilo, which signifies a factor of 1000, and "m²" represents square meters. A square kilometer is a relatively large area. It is equivalent to 1 000 000 square meters or 100 hectares.


A hectare is a unit of measurement for area that is commonly used in agriculture and land management. It is equivalent to 10 000 square meters or 2.471 acres. The word "hectare" comes from the French word "hectomètre carré", which means "100 meters squared". It was first introduced as a metric unit of area in 1795 during the French Revolution and has been used as an international standard since the 19th century. Hectares are often used to measure the area of large plots of land such as farms, parks, and forests. The symbol for hectare is "ha".