Convert seconds to milliseconds

Time (in seconds):
Time (in milliseconds):

The calculator allows you to convert seconds to milliseconds.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert milliseconds to seconds

1 second = 1000 milliseconds
1 millisecond = 0.001 second or 1 ms = 1 / 1000 s

To convert seconds to milliseconds, multiply by 1000.


To convert seconds to milliseconds, you need to multiply the number of seconds by 1000, because there are 1000 milliseconds in a second.

For example, if you have 5 seconds and you want to convert it to milliseconds, you would use the following formula:
5 seconds x 1000 = 5000 milliseconds
So, 5 seconds is equal to 5000 milliseconds.

Here are four examples of situations where you might need to convert seconds to milliseconds:

Timing a race:
Suppose you are timing a race and you measure the time in seconds, but you need to report the results in milliseconds. To convert the time to milliseconds, you would simply multiply the number of seconds by 1000.
For example, if the winning time is 9.75 seconds, you would convert it to milliseconds like this:
9.75 seconds x 1000 = 9750 milliseconds
So, the winning time in milliseconds is 9750. Audio processing:
In audio processing, you might need to convert the duration of a sound clip from seconds to milliseconds, for example, to synchronize it with other audio or video tracks.
For example, if a sound clip is 3.5 seconds long, you would convert it to milliseconds like this:
3.5 seconds x 1000 = 3500 milliseconds
So, the duration of the sound clip in milliseconds is 3500.

A conversion table for seconds (s) to milliseconds (ms)

Seconds (s) Milliseconds (ms)
1 1000
2 2000
3 3000
4 4000
5 5000
6 6000
7 7000
8 8000
9 9000
10 10 000
20 20 000
30 30 000
60 60 000
120 120 000
180 180 000
300 300 000
600 600 000

To read the table, you can simply look at the rows and columns of the table. Each row represents a specific value of seconds and its equivalent value in milliseconds. The first column represents the values of seconds (s), and the second column represents the equivalent values of milliseconds (ms). For example, if you want to know how many milliseconds are in 3 seconds, you can look at the row where the value of seconds is 3. In this row, you can see that the value of milliseconds is 3 000.


Seconds (abbreviated as "s") are a unit of time measurement that is equal to one-sixtieth of a minute. Seconds are a unit of time measurement that are commonly used to describe short periods of time. We often use seconds to measure time intervals, such as the duration of a task or the time it takes to travel a certain distance. However, in some cases, we may need to convert seconds to other units of time, such as minutes, hours, or milliseconds, depending on the situation. To convert seconds to minutes, we can divide the number of seconds by 60, since there are 60 seconds in a minute. To convert seconds to hours, we can divide the number of seconds by 3 600, since there are 3 600 seconds in an hour.


Milliseconds (abbreviated as "ms") are a unit of time measurement that is equal to one-thousandth of a second. Milliseconds are a unit of time measurement that are commonly used to measure very short time intervals. One millisecond is equal to one thousandth of a second, or 0.001 seconds.

"Milli" is a prefix that is commonly used in the metric system of units to denote a factor of one thousandth. The prefix "milli" is used to denote a unit of time that is one thousandth of a second, which is known as a millisecond. For example, the unit of length in the metric system is the meter. One millimeter is equal to one thousandth of a meter, and one kilometer is equal to one thousand meters.