Convert cubic meters to cubic centimeters

Volume (cubic meters - m3):
Volume (cubic centimeters - cm3):

The calculator allows you to convert cubic meters to cubic centimeters (m3 to cm3).

Perform the reverse calculation: convert cm3 to m3

1 m3 = 1 000 000 cm3
1 cm3 = 1 / 1 000 000 m3 = 0.000 001 m3

To convert cubic meters to cubic centimeters, multiply by 1 000 000.


To convert cubic meters (m³) to cubic centimeters (cm³), you can use the conversion factor of 1 m³ = 1 000 000 cm³.

You will find below 5 examples of how to convert cubic meters to cubic centimeters:

Convert 2.5 m³ to cm³:
2.5 m³ = 2.5 x 1 000 000 = 2 500 000 cm³

Convert 0.75 m³ to cm³:
0.75 m³ = 0.75 x 1 000 000 = 750 000 cm³

Convert 10 m³ to cm³:
10 m³ = 10 x 1 000 000 = 10 000 000 cm³

Convert 0.0025 m³ to cm³:
0.0025 m³ = 0.0025 x 1 000 000 = 2 500 cm³

Convert 0.05 m³ to cm³:
0.05 m³ = 0.05 x 1 000 000 = 50 000 cm³

Conversion table cubic meters to cubic centimeters (m3 to cm3)

Cubic meters (m³) to Cubic centimeters (cm³)
0.000 001 m3 = 1 cm3
0.000 002 m3 = 2 cm3
0.000 003 m3 = 3 cm3
0.000 004 m3 = 4 cm3
0.000 005 m3 = 5 cm3
0.000 01 m3 = 10 cm3
0.000 02 m3 = 20 cm3
0.000 03 m3 = 30 cm3
0.000 04 m3 = 40 cm3
0.000 05 m3 = 50 cm3
0.000 1 m3 = 100 cm3
0.000 2 m3 = 200 cm3
0.000 3 m3 = 300 cm3
0.000 4 m3 = 400 cm3
0.000 5 m3 = 500 cm3
0.001 m3 = 1 000 cm3
0.002 m3 = 2 000 cm3
0.003 m3 = 3 000 cm3
0.004 m3 = 4 000 cm3
0.005 m3 = 5 000 cm3
0.006 m3 = 6 000 cm3
0.007 m3 = 7 000 cm3
0.008 m3 = 8 000 cm3
0.009 m3 = 9 000 cm3
0.01 m3 = 10 000 cm3
0.02 m3 = 20 000 cm3
0.03 m3 = 30 000 cm3
0.04 m3 = 40 000 cm3
0.05 m3 = 50 000 cm3
0.06 m3 = 60 000 cm3
0.07 m3 = 70 000 cm3
0.08 m3 = 80 000 cm3
0.09 m3 = 90 000 cm3
0.1 m3 = 100 000 cm3
1 m3 = 1 000 000 cm3
2 m3 = 2 000 000 cm3
3 m3 = 3 000 000 cm3
4 m3 = 4 000 000 cm3
5 m3 = 5 000 000 cm3
10 m3 = 10 000 000 cm3
20 m3 = 20 000 000 cm3
30 m3 = 30 000 000 cm3

Cubic meters

The symbol for cubic meter is m³. One cubic meter is equal to the volume of a cube with sides that are one meter long.

Cubic centimeters

Cubic centimeters (cm³) is a unit of volume in the metric system, which is used to measure the amount of space occupied by an object or substance. One cubic centimeter is equal to the volume of a cube with sides that are one centimeter long. One cubic centimeter is equivalent to one milliliter (mL), which is the standard unit of volume used in the metric system for liquids. In addition, one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 cm³) is equivalent to one liter (1 L). It's important to note that cubic centimeters should not be confused with square centimeters (cm²), which is a unit of area measurement.

Cubic centimeters to cubic meters

You can find here a conversion table from cubic centimeters to cubic decimeters and cubic meters:

Cubic centimeters (cm³) Cubic decimeters (dm³) Cubic meters (m³)
1 cm³ 0.001 dm³ 0.000001 m³
10 cm³ 0.01 dm³ 0.00001 m³
100 cm³ 0.1 dm³ 0.0001 m³
1000 cm³ 1 dm³ 0.001 m³
10 000 cm³ 10 dm³ 0.01 m³
100 000 cm³ 100 dm³ 0.1 m³
1 000 000 cm³ 1000 dm³ 1 m³