Convert liter to m3

Volume (in liters - L) :
Volume (in cubic meters - m3) :

The calculator allows you to convert liters to cubic meters.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert cubic meters to liters

1 m3 (cubic meter) = 1000 L (liters)


We are going to convert a volume V of 3 000 liters to m3.
Volume V = 3 000 L
1 L = 0.001 m3
1 000 L = 1 m3

V = 3 000 x 0.001 = 3 m3
or V = 3 000 / 1 000 = 3 m3


What's the difference between liter and litre?

Liter is the American English spelling and Litre is UK English/Australian English. It is the same word, it is just different spelling. A liter is a unit of volume. There is no difference between liter or litre.

Liters / Cubic meters

1 Liter is equal to 0.001 cubic meter. To convert liters to cubic meters, multiply the liter value by 0.001 or divide by 1000.
1 cubic meter is equal to 1000 liters.To convert cubic meters to liters, multiply the cubic meter value by 1000.
A liter is a unit of volume equal to one cubic decimeter (dm3). 1 liter is equal to 1 000 milliliters.

A cubic meter is a unit of volume equal to a cube one meter long on each side. It is a volume that is made by a cube that is 1 meter on each side and its symbol is m3. A cubic meter is an SI (International System) unit, that represents the volume of the cube with length, width and height equal to 1 meter.

Cubic meters and cubic decimeters

1 cubic meter = 1 000 cubic decimeters
1 m3 = 1 000 dm3
There are 1 000 cubic decimeters (dm3) in 1 cubic meter (m3).


There are three common units of volume : cubic meters, liters and gallons. The derived SI unit (International System of Units) for volume is the cubic meter (m3) based on the three dimensional use of the base unit for length which is the meter.

How do you calculate cubic meters? You can calculate cubic meters thanks to the calculation formula : length (in meter) x width (in meter) x Height (in meter) = cubic meter (in m3)