Convert cm to yard

Distance (in centimeters):
Distance (in yards):

The calculator allows you to convert cm to yard.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert yards to centimeters

1 cm = 1 / 91.44 yard or approximately 0.0109361 yard
1 yard = 91.44 cm

To convert centimeters to yards, divide by 91.44.


We are going to convert a distance d of 200 centimeters to yards.
Distance d = 200 centimeters
1 cm = 1 / 91.44 yd
d = 200 cm = 200 / 91.44 = 2.19 yards

Other examples

To convert centimeters to yards, you can use the following conversion formula:
1 yard = 91.44 centimeters
1 centimeter = 0.0109361 yards (approximately equal to)
So, to convert a length in centimeters to yards, you can divide the length by 91.44, or multiply the length by 0.0109361, which is the same thing. For example:

50 cm = 50 / 91.44 = 0.55 yd
100 cm = 100 / 91.44 = 1.09 yd
500 cm = 500 / 91.44 = 5.47 yd
1 000 cm = 1 000 / 91.44 = 10.94 yd

A conversion table for centimeters (cm) to yards (yd)

Centimeters (cm) Yards (yd)
1 0.01
100 1.09
200 2.19
300 3.28
400 4.37
500 5.47
600 6.56
700 7.66
800 8.75
900 9.84
1000 10.94

You can read the table by finding the value in centimeters that you want to convert to yards, and then looking in the corresponding row in the "yards" column to find the equivalent value in yards. For example, if you want to convert 100 centimeters to yards, you can find the row with "100" in the "cm" column, and then look in the "yards" column in the same row to find the equivalent value, which is 1.09 yards.


The symbol for yard is "yd". The yard is a unit of length. It is equal to 3 feet or 36 inches. The foot is a unit of length equal to 12 inches or 1/3 of a yard. The inch is a unit of length equal to 1/12 of a foot or 1/36 of a yard. The yard, inch, and foot are all units of length and they are all related to each other, with 1 yard equal to 3 feet or 36 inches, and 1 foot equal to 12 inches.


The symbol for centimeter is "cm". A centimeter (cm) is a unit of length in the metric system. One centimeter is equal to one hundredth of a meter, or 0.01 meters.