Area of a rhombus

Area A =
d1 x d2 / 2

Diagonal 1 = d1
Diagonal 2 = d2
AB = BC = CD = DA = c


Take a rhombus with diagonal 1 d1 = 8 cm and diagonal 2 d2 = 3 cm.
Area A of the rhombus =
d1 x d2 / 2
8 x 3 / 2
= 12 cm²

Calculate the area of a rhombus

Diagonal 1
Diagonal 2
Area of the rhombus

Definition of a rhombus

A rhombus is a quadrilateral that has 4 sides of the same length.
A rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides and opposite equal angles. It is a special case of a parallelogram, and it is a four-sided quadrilateral.
A rhombus is a quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length.
It is a flat shape with 4 straight sides that are all equal length.

The area of a rhombus is equal to half the product of the lengths of the diagonals.

The plural of rhombus is "rhombi" or "rhombuses".
A diamond is also categorized as a rhombus, because it has four equal sides and its opposite angles are equal. A rhombus can be a square. A square is a special case of a rhombus. Indeed if a rhombus has four equal interior angles, it is a square. A rhombus is not a square unless the angles are all right angles. However a square is a rhombus since all four of its sides are of the same length. If a rhombus has two acute angles and two obtuse angles, it takes the shape of a diamond. A rhombus is a special type of a parallelogram whose all sides are equal.

Properties of a rhombus

A rhombus is a parallelogram. Indeed a rhombus has its opposite sides parallel, so it is a parallelogram.
The rhombus has its opposite angles of equal measure and its additional consecutive angles.
The diagonals of the rhombus intersect in their middle and are perpendicular.
A rhombus has two axes of symmetry : its diagonals. A rhombus has a center of symmetry : the point of intersection of its diagonals.
All sides have equal length.
A rhombus looks like a diamond.
The sum of two adjacent angles is equal to 180 degrees.